Monday, September 19, 2016

Exer5: BLOBS

There were two parts:

PART1: Coins

The activity is to box the coins depending on the value. After boxing the coins, the total value will be computed.

  • 5 centavos - RED
  • 10 centavos - BLUE
  • 25 centavos - PINK
  • 1 peso - YELLOW
  • 5 pesos - GREEN

original image (coins1.jpg)

image after binarization


PART2: Objects

Objects seen in the given image are to be boxed, identified and labeled.

original image(objects.jpg)

image after binarization

OUTPUT YAY. lols Nokia3310 ftw

Exer4: Canny Edge Detection and Adaptive Thresholding

We had two tasks for this exer:

First was to highlight the text of the following images and turn the background to white. First we had to get the threshold of all the images and binarize them afterwards. (Simple)





Second activity was to get the edges of a certain image after binarizing it. Canny Edge detection was used.

original image (source.jpg)

after adaptive thresholding and canny edge detection